Neuroanatomical Domain of the Foundational Model of Anatomy
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This page is dedicated to the Neuroanatomical Domain of the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology manuscript published in the Journal of Biomedical Semantics. The following link from the manuscript redirects to this page:
Nichols BN, Mejino JLV, Detwiler LT, Nilsen TT, Martone ME, Turner JA, Rubin DL, Brinkley JF. (Under Review). Neuroanatomical Domain of the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology. Journal of Biomedical Semantics.
Links to Online Figures
- Figure 11 - A view of the DK left hemisphere parcellation with the left precuneus selected.
- Figure 12 - A view of the AAL left hemisphere labeling with the left superior temporal gyrus selected.
Links to Other Materials
- FMA "Slim" or "View" of neuroanatomical content -